Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this website is so “plain”?

I don’t see any reason for it not to be. TBH, I do: a fancy website could’ve been more impressive for talent hunters/recruiters also it would amaze my colleagues.

Personally I like this M. Çağrı Durgut’s website. It is fancy, displays his wit, its blog even has dark mode. What more do people want?


Previously I used a Wordpress based website hosted on Digital Ocean or webhosting or somewhere. But as it is obvious I don’t actively maintain this website. So I don’t need the extra features provided by wordpress at the cost/burden of hosting a server.

I wanted to have my own domain, have a fancy [email protected] e-mail, to turn into Internet Landlord instead of being internet peasant.

Moreover I wanted to do this at minimal cost, at minimal effort. This simple website is just a bunch of markdown file that are transformed to html files with Hugo. I host the content on a GitHub Repository, updates to website are just git pushes (or PRs) to master. A GitHub Action is triggered and the update is deployed. Who is hosting it? Not me, thanks to GitHub Pages. Not so surprisingly, I have zero concern for uptime, zero concern for DDoS attacks, zero concern for vertical or horizontal or diagonal scaling, zero concern for billing.

Similarly, I added SSL to my domain with Cloudflare for free. I don’t have to worry about renewing the certificate etc.

See also another similar website: click here on you own risk

Why don’t you have SSL (https) on your website?

I do have SSL if you type https:// before However, it is true that I do not force redirects to https.

I will appeal to authority “Paul Graham” didn’t either (at least for a long time). See also n-gate article.

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